Interesting facts about Brazil

Brazil is a country, located in South America, with an area of 8.514.876 km², which makes it the 5th largest country in the world.

Much of the climate is tropical, due to the location of a great part of its land between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Equator. But Subtropical and Arid conditions can also be found in some areas.

Brazil has one of the world’s most extensive river systems, it is a rich country in terms of natural resources like iron, gold, petroleum, etc…

Jurua River, an affluent of Amazon River

Itaipu Hydroeletric Dam

Brazil has the largest installed hydropower capacity in South America, and comprises two thirds of the continent’s installed capacity. The sector makes up 64 per cent of total Brazilian energy capacity and meets more than three-quarters of electricity demand. That means clean energy, in more than 75% of the electricity demand. Itaipu Hydroelectric Dam is one of the largest operational hydroelectric energy producers in the world, with an installed generation capacity of 14GW. The plant is operated by Itaipu Binacional and located on the border between Brazil and Paraguay. Energy generated by Itaipu helps meet demands from the two countries. Approximately 90% of the energy generated by the plant is used by Brazil. This means green energy!!

Brazilian economy is one of the ten largest in the world, by nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The service sector is the largest component of the GDP, around 73%, followed by the industrial sector at 21%. Agriculture represents 6% of GDP, in 2019.

Brazil has the second largest manufacturing sector in the Americas. Accounting for 21% of GDP, Brazil’s industries range from automobiles, steel and petrochemicals to computers, aircraft, and consumer durables.

Manaus’ Industrial Area

The employees have a very protective  legislation, which must be complied by the employers. All of them must receive at least the minimum national salary, pay day must be in the maximum on the 5th working day of each month, workload can’t be more than 220 hours during one month (generally 40 hours a week for most companies), financial aid for transport, 30-day vacation per year with paid salary, added by 1/3 of the salary, parental leave for 120 to 180 days for maternity leave and from 5 up to 20 days for paternity leave, besides others benefits. 

So, when you buy a product from Brazil, you can be sure that who manufactured the product, has lots of rights that must be complied.

Good and abundant raw material available, second largest manufacturing sector in America, specialized workforce, green energy available, so many good things about Brazil!

Now, with, you can buy a variety of goods with trust, all of them made in Brazil!!


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